Welcome to March 1-5 Nationwide Days of Action! This is the special March 1 and March 5 day-of-action portal for Occupy Ed Nationwide and for Occupy Education California.Here we were able to post the details of each of the events. If you are interested in research or scientific publications regarding the implementation of educational reforms or implementation, contact the authors of the memo writing services, who can quickly prepare the necessary information for you. Update: San Francisco Teach-In 5:34pm PST: 15 people still conducting a teach-in inside the State Office Building in San Francisco; no police yet. Update: San Francisco Teach-In and Rally 4:20pm PST: About 100 people are now conducting a teach-in inside the State Office Building in San Francisco; meanwhile, more than 300 protestors have gathered, along with a band, for a rally at Civic Center Plaza. Oakland Protests Hit Morgan Stanley, Head to UC President 4:18pm PST: About 100 protestors in Oakland, California, visited the offices of Morgan Stanley which closed offices early in response to the protest of a rate swap deal with the Peralta City College district and protestors are now heading to the office of the President of the University of California to protest mismanagement of the university system, demand tuition rollbacks, and to insist on rehiring of faculty and staff. Texas Teach-In Brings in Lessons from the 60s 6:06pm CST: About 100 Occupiers are having a teach-in with alum from the 60s on the University of Texas West Mall in Austin, Texas. Occupy Berkeley High Walks Out, Rallies for the 99% 3:55pm PST: High school students in Berkeley, California, have walked out and are at the School District building exercising their free speech rights. Police Threaten Arrests at Santa Rosa State Building 3:48pm PST: Police are threatening arrests of protestors entering the Joseph Rattigan State Building in Santa Rosa, California, while Occupiers unfurl a banner inside the building and perform popular theatre outside. 99 Milers Gearing Up for March to Sacramento 3:29pm PST: The "99 Milers" who are marching from Oakland to Sacramento, California, over the next five days are preparing to start their march to demand full funding for education. San Francisco Teaching In at the State Office Building 3:10pm PST: About 75 people outside State Office Building in San Francisco and 25 inside gearing up for a teach-in. Occupiers Read Grievances at Department of Education in DC 5:42pm EST: After Occupiers in Washington, DC, marched making a stop at Sallie Mae then to the Department of Education (DoE) and read aloud their grievances, a representative from DoE mic checked the crowd and promised to respond to the grievances by March 9. Berkeley Protestors Join Those in Oakland 2:45pm PST: Protestors who marched from the University of California at Berkeley arrived in Oakland's Oscar Grant Plaza to join with protestors already gathered there from Laney and Peralta and elsewhere. Occupiers Shut Down UC Santa Cruz Campus 2:32pm PST: UC Santa Cruz campus shut down, teach-in with 60 workshops, and rally with speakers. 100 Protesters at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland 2:18pm PST: Speaker at open mike rally of about 100 people at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland, California, points out California is spending more on prisons than education, protestors waiting on Occupy Cal marchers before marching on Morgan Stanley. 75+ Protesters in Santa Rosa Preparing March to State Building 2:15pm PST: A growing crowd of at least 75 protestors is preparing to march to the State Building in Santa Rosa, California. Brooklyn High School Students Die-In 5:05pm EST: Brooklyn high school students stage a die-in to protest school closures. 300+ Rally and March in Brooklyn 4:59pm EST: More than 300 protestors in Brooklyn rallied, chanted "Fight, fight, fight, fight, education is a right" and, after hearing from an Egyptian speaker, "From Cairo to NYC, education must be free", and marched to protest PEP. Florida Teach-In Against Budget Cuts and Tuition Hikes 4:43pm EST: Occupy USF and SDS-Tampa Bay staged a day of action on University of South Florida's campus. ~100 students, faculty, staff, and activists walked out and marched across campus to the Marshall Student Center for a sit-in in the lobby and a teach-in against budget cuts and tuition hikes that have been happening across Florida. Occupy SF State Protestors on the Move 1:15pm PST: Occupy San Francisco State University students have walked out of classes and protestors are on the move from their campus toward a protest in downtown San Francisco chanting "no cuts, no fees, our education must be free". Philadelphia Protestors Occupying School Board Building 4:05pm EST: 300+ protestors in Philadelphia now about to occupy the Public School Board building at Spring Gardens and North Broad St. because administrators have been closing public schools and laying off nurses and teachers. Occupy UC Davis Funeral For Public Education 12:07pm PST: About 200 UC Davis protestors organized a funeral for public education starting with a march carrying a coffin accompanied by bagpipes and then dedicated themselves to a "rebirth of public education" (pics. 50+ Rally on University of Houston Campus 2:00pm CST: 50+ protestors rallied in the center of the University of Houston campus in Texas and are forming a new student activist group on campus. Philadelphia Hits Governor's Office 2:57pm EST: 400+ high school and college students rallying in front of Governor's Office in Philadelphia. Boulder Colorado Rally Begins 12:53pm MST: Students and protestors gathering at University Memorial Center in Boulder, Colorado, for march to rally at Colorado University Regents Center to demand rollback of tuition hikes and elimination student debt. 200+ Students/Supporters Speak Out in NYC 2:12pm EST: More than 200 students and supportive protestors speaking out on steps of Department of Education at 52 Chambers St. in New York City, chanting "1,2,3, CUNY must be free". Hampshire College Protestors Present Demands to Administration 1:38pm EST: About 30 protestors at Hampshire College presented their demands to the college administration: transparency, job security, union neutrality contract, no cuts to financial aid/salaries, and no tuition hikes! 200+ Protestors Gathered in Philadelphia 1:20pm EST: At the start of a rally at 440 N. Broad St. in Philadelphia, more than 200 protestors have gathered to hear a professor and others speak. |